Staff Training and
Media Services
Unisyn offers comprehensive training programs designed to embrace all the functions relative to the successful conduct of an election and professional media staff to provide the required contacts with outside video and written media, including how and when to issue news releases.
Election Staff, Poll Worker and Technician Training
Unisyn provides a variety of essential training programs and custom-designed programs to meet your needs. Listed below is a partial offering of our services.
Election Management
We provide product training to Headquarters Election Staff for:
Layout and design of ballots
Candidate entry
Poll Workers

We prepare the election staff in a program of “Train the Trainers” by providing hands-on, classroom and video instruction so that trainers can easily and effectively instruct the numerous polling place workers in all functions of the Unisyn system used in their precinct.
Technicians and Warehouse Staff
We provide technical service, maintenance and training for all hardware components including repair and replacement of parts.
We also provide training to technicians in warehouse operations, working closely with them in the proper preparation, delivery and return of all voting units.
Media/Public Information Services
Unisyn works in partnership to provide support and education in use and acceptance of our new OpenElect Voting System. Based on your specific needs, we can:
Provide a media specialist to help educate the public and the media regarding your proposed plan and any events prior to the first election
Work closely with local media to establish an image of transparency
Host a news conference to introduce and demonstrate the new voting machines, showing the public how easy it is to vote
Distribute literature about the new system, including copies of sample ballots
Provide the media with pertinent information in order to maintain and further enhance a positive image of the Election Office
Issue news releases to announce the contract signing
Support an “Open House” with voting units at the Elections Office for people to practice and become familiar with
Work with the jurisdiction to provide voting equipment for use with private elections and demonstrations whenever possible
Train office personnel to demonstrate the voting system at public places so the public is familiar and comfortable with voting devices