OpenElect OVO
The OpenElect Voting Optical Scan (OVO)
is a comprehensive and secure precinct-count
digital scan voting device.
Designed for Efficiency

To meet today’s election needs, the OpenElect Voting Optical Scan (OVO) is able to quickly and accurately accept, validate and tabulate ballots whether it is for an Absentee, Early Voting or Election Day session. The OVO’s scanning process provides robust security for your scanned election ballots and data. It can scan and validate full-page, multiple page, two-sided ballots as well as ballots produced on the OpenElect FreedomVote Tablet (FVT) system. It supports write-in votes and saves the scanned ballot images as one of a variety of close reports.
Designed for Portability
Your poll workers will find that set up is quick and simple. The OVO’s compact case houses all of the unit’s hardware components and a single power source provides the unit with power. The OVO unit is easily mounted on a ballot box for delivery to the voting location. The ballot box is constructed to exceed the industry’s security requirements and can be nested to save on warehouse storage space.
The OVO makes the transition from any optical scan legacy system transparent and easy to accommodate.
Integrity, Security and Flexibility
2005 Certification of the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) from the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC)
Hardened Linux and Java platform provides multiple layers of security and flexibility
To further our commitment to transparency, the source code is available for review as part of a jurisdiction’s procurement process
High level of physical and software security evoke confidence for election staff and voters
Features and Benefits
Self-contained unit includes a color touchscreen operator interface and report printer
Modular design and compact size provides easy transport and set-up
Scans ballots quickly
Overvotes, undervotes and blank ballots are easily detected and the voter is notified
Records and deposits ballots into a locked and secure ballot box
Supports Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)

OVO Poll Worker
OVO Voter
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