OpenElect OVCS
The OpenElect Voting Central Scan (OVCS) is a high-speed digital scan voting unit designed to tabulate early vote, absentee, provisional and recounted ballots at a jurisdiction’s central operation center.

Designed for Accuracy
The OpenElect Voting Central Scan (OVCS) system provides you with a powerful ballot scanning system. The OVCS system can quickly process and tally large numbers of ballots, capture ballot images and extract write-in images from ballots for Election Day reporting. The scanning system is easy to operate and requires minimal training, saving your staff valuable time. The OVCS ballot scanning system consists of:
A PC with a Linux/Java platform that provides enhanced state-of-the art security
The robust OVCS application
A large capacity bulk scanner that is fast, accurate and reliable
The OVCS scanner provides double-sided, single pass scanning for fast and accurate ballot reads. The compact scanner is capable of scanning 150 ballot pages per minute (ppm) and can hold up to 500 ballots in the input tray. It captures clean easy to read ballot and write-in images in both color and black & white. The OVCS system will read absentee, recount, Early Voting, Vote Center and Election Day ballots. The results are uploaded to the OpenElect Central Scan (OCS) Tabulator without intermediate steps. The OVCS software will provide you with a variety of reports on Election Day, such as Write-in and Summary reports. The OVCS ballot counting system contains the same high level of security as all OpenElect products. Physical measures, coupled with comprehensive procedures, ensure proper and effective security and integrity of equipment during preparation, testing and use. All of this combines to make the OVCS ballot counting system an integral part of your Election Center.
Additional Features and Benefits
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)
Provides a permanent record of voter choices
High levels of physical and software security instills confidence for both poll workers and voters
Can be used for central tabulation, absentee voting and recounts
Multifaceted, Flexible & Comprehensive
Captures full ballot images
Flexibility to read various ballot sizes and two-sided ballots
Units can be scaled, depending on number of ballots
Extracts write-in entries from ballots and presents consolidated reports for each contest (patent pending)
Capable of uploading results directly to tabulation without the need for intermediate steps

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